Simple, fuss-free, all-in-one-place awards management

As you can imagine, we speak to a lot of awards managers every week and, almost without fail, there are a handful of particular challenges and/or frustrations which always come up.
It’s these conversations which help us to develop and grow our platform; our aim is to provide a service which diminishes as much of the stress and frustration as possible, and our users help shape our direction and priorities. 

We thought it was time for a quick round-up of the top five ‘aaarrghhh’ issues that we hear about….and, most importantly, how AwardStage restores the calm! 

Updating entries that have already been submitted It seems that there will always be entrants who don’t complete their entries fully before submission/the entry closing date, or forget to add an attachment….or just want to add an extra piece of vital information! If you are feeling particularly kind, AwardStage has the functionality to allow its administrators to make those updates on behalf of entrants. 

Assigning superpowers to the administrators in your team If you’re the account owner on an AwardStage site, you have free reign to assign new administrators from your team, and to control their level of access. Need an export of entry info every Monday morning? Add your colleague as a co-administrator, and spread the load! 

Multi-part scoring Looking for your entries to be scored against different criteria? And need those criteria to have different weightings? No worries; AwardStage judging allows you to choose between having one overall score per entry, or multiple scores per entry. It’ll even work out the average percentage for each, based on your criteria weights. 

Discount codes and special entry rates It’s super simple to set up discount codes, and stipulate everything from the size of the discount, to the time period for which a code is valid. You can even make them entrant-specific. Similarly, if you want to set up different entry rates for different entrant organisations (free for students, for example….or 50% of the base rate for SMEs), then AwardStage can facilitate that. 

Simple judging – happy judges! Your judges are busy people, so you need to make the scoring process as simple and slick as possible. Judges have given the AwardStage platform an average of 4 stars out of 5 for user experience, citing its easy navigation, and the ability to download entries, as particular highlights. 

For a more in-depth look at how we look to make awards management as stress-free as possible, we’d encourage you to have a look at our short welcome video; or, even better, drop us a line and tell us what’s been making you tear your hair out, and we’ll see what we can do to help 🙂


Fix up, look sharp; the AwardStage entrant UI has had a makeover


Thirty days…back and forth