These are strange times indeed, and we are aware that the new normal is….well, not that normal.

Along with every other UK company, we’re following government guidance to have our team working from their respective homes for the foreseeable future; we wanted to ping out a quick message to our clients to reassure them that it’s absolutely business as usual for us, and that we are here every step of the way to help you do the same for your awards.

Whether you’re planning to launch your programme in the next few weeks, are in the middle of your entry period, or you have judges with entries to score, AwardStage can help ensure that the process runs smoothly.

Looking to launch soon?

If you are still able to reach out to your potential entrants, and promote your awards, then we can have your bespoke entry site up and running in as little as two weeks. Our account management team will be on hand by email or telephone as usual, to help with any questions you have along the way. When you come to opening for entries, your entrants just need to use their email address to create an account, complete your entry form, and submit it – all from the comfort of their own sofa!

Midway through your entry period?

Don’t panic – as long as your entrants have an internet connection, they can continue to enter your awards, get in touch with support queries via our online helpdesk, and submit their entries. If you think it would be worthwhile extending the window in which you’re accepting entries – to allow people some extra time, while we all get to grips with this new situation – then that’s super quick and simple to do, and won’t incur any extra charges from us.

Judging and scoring

Again, as long as your judges can get online, they can score the entries that you assign to them. If they need help, then our comprehensive knowledgebase is available (to all users, not just judges), as well as the AwardStage technical team.

Also, a special note regarding awards ceremonies. We know that many of our clients will be facing some incredibly tough decisions over the coming weeks and months, surrounding their – possibly very costly – awards ceremony. We want to reassure clients that we don’t want to add to the headache, and that, if you need to change entry dates, judging dates, or event dates, we will support you all the way. You’ll face no extra costs from AwardStage, even if current events push the overall timescale of your awards over your agreed contract period*.

We hope this has offered you some reassurance at a time when businesses are naturally very worried. As the title says, ‘the show must go on’, and we will do our absolute best to ensure that’s possible for you; feel free to contact us with any queries or support you need.

*usually 12 months. Extension period of two extra months without charge applicable.


A little something from us to you; 20% off in June for charities and NFPs


Writing an award-winning entry; our top tips!