2025: the year your awards take off 🚀

We’re already a couple of weeks into January and, let’s face it, some of those earnest resolutions may have already fallen by the wayside (not that we’re speaking from experience or anything…) But it’s not too late to make one commitment that you'll definitely want to keep: making your awards programme the best it can be!

Running a successful awards programme is no picnic. There are multiple moving parts, numerous stakeholders to consult, and no end of deadlines to juggle. Trying to handle all of that with spreadsheets, emails, and attachments is a seriously tricky task - which is where AwardStage comes to the rescue. A software platform that makes running awards a dream, we can help you smash that resolution, and make 2025 the year that your awards really fly!

So, how can AwardStage help? First off, it'll save you oodles of time and money - no more scrabbling around in various applications for all the info you need; sit smug knowing that it’s all held securely in the platform, in one place. As an awards manager, you can see, at a glance, all the relevant data on our handy dashboard - and all your entrants, entries, judges, and scores are in there too.

Within AwardStage, you can craft an elegant awards website - from a single landing page to a comprehensive, multi-page site - which reflects your brand, and showcases your all-important sponsors. Putting together your entry forms is a breeze, with a simple drag and drop builder, and a variety of field types, including conditional logic, to ensure you collect all the key information you need.

Awards are nothing without high quality entries - and to get those, you need a offer a high quality entry experience. AwardStage gives your entrants a first class, fuss-free process from start to finish. From registering via your elegant, on-brand awards homepage to securely submitting their entry - including media uploads - your entrants will enjoy a sleek, seamless experience which will keep them coming back year after year.

Your judges will love you for using AwardStage too, as they’ll benefit from the same slick experience. No more sifting through emails and opening endless attachments - all the information they need to make a fair decision is at their fingertips. From a simple thumbs up judging scheme to multi-part scoring criteria, we can handle it all, including calculating the final results for you to export in a variety of formats.

As resolutions go, making 2025 your best year yet will be an easy win with AwardStage! If you’d like to find out more about how we can help, you can request a free trial, schedule a demo, or get in touch with one of our friendly team.


A heartwarming offer from AwardStage!


Festive tidings