Awards judging; any time, any place, anywhere

One of the trickiest things to get right in any awards programme, is the judging panel. You want the right number of judges, with the right spread of backgrounds. Inevitably, the people you’re after are also insanely busy, so you may have your work cut out persuading them to give up some of their time to go through award entries.

In addition, the last year has taught us that – more than ever – the ability to cover off a range of judging scenarios is invaluable. Yes, there’s ‘traditional’ independent scoring, but what about those situations where you want a group of judges to be able to come together to discuss shortlists/finalists/winners/anything else? Can that really work with an online system?

Imagine if you had an awards management platform, which made judging a pleasure….oh, hello AwardStage! Here are just a few ways that we provide a pain-free, enjoyable experience – wherever and however you’d like to do it.

Judge when you like

We recognise that many judges will be fitting their scoring duties around other commitments and their day jobs. As such, AwardStage judges have an account in which their allocated entries sit, which they can dip in and out of, and score as time permits. A simple dashboard on their account homepage immediately shows progress…..and how much more time they have to complete the process!

Judge where you like

Our judging screens have been designed to function beautifully across all devices – desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile. So whether your judges are at the office, at home, or on the move, they’ll be using an interface that behaves nicely.

Collaborative judging

It’s common for at least some part of the process to involve a ‘group’ session, with judges coming together to discuss entries, and refine scores. While this is often done in person, constraints will sometimes mean this isn’t possible. But don’t let that stop you! The plethora of online meeting tools makes the ‘coming together’ element a cinch. Have all your judges log in to their AwardStage accounts simultaneously, and you can all be looking at the same entries, at the same time. Perhaps appoint a ‘head judge’ who records the final score or decision arrived at for each entry during your session. Need a sounding board for your particular set-up? Give us a shout!

“Love the way this site works. Easy to go through content at pace, judge and come back to things if need be. Easy to track progress, and all links accessible.”

Judge, Mind Media Awards

For a demonstration of how we set out to make judging enjoyable, rather than a chore, drop us a line or book a 30 minute demo, and begin your journey to a stress-free awards season, for less!


Join our free webinar on 9 June, and discover how AwardStage can take you to the top!


A seasonal special from Team AwardStage!