Onboarding – why we won’t charge you extra to have a hand to hold

We get it. New things can be scary things, and perhaps more so when it comes to tech. 

It just feels easier to keep on doing what you’re doing sometimes, doesn’t it? Even if what you’re doing (or, rather, what you’re using to do it with) causes frustration, or doesn’t quite do what you need. 

If you’re an awards manager, using an online platform to co-ordinate your programme, and finding yourself gritting your teeth more than is healthy, then we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way! And, more to the point, we’re here to guide you through the process of getting up and running with AwardStage – and we won’t tack on any extra costs to do so.

We pride ourselves on having developed AwardStage to be super simple, and intuitive, for all its users – administrators, entrants and judges. But, of course, the majority of ‘legwork’ will fall to the administrator; there are forms to set up, categories to create, a front end website to build, and judging rounds to tackle – amongst other things. It can be daunting at the best of times, let alone if you’re embarking on the process in a new system.

Which is why we don’t believe in adding any extra fees for providing comprehensive onboarding or initial set-up support. In our view, helping clients get up and running quickly – while also being confident in how to carry out key tasks – is in the best interests of everyone involved.

You, as an awards manager, have more time to spend on marketing your awards (confident in the knowledge that the entry process is a breeze for your entrants, ergo more quality entries for your awards). Less time on navigating a completely-new-to-you system. But a system that likely also eliminates the headaches of how you were doing things before.

Our promise to you is that we will hold your hand as much – or as little – as you need. We can help with your initial set up, show you where everything lives in the ‘back end’, demonstrate how to run exports, and even advise you on good practice in your processes. No question is deemed ‘silly’, and we encourage you to ask as many of them as you like, for the duration of your season.

And, yep, this is all included in our fees.

So, don’t let the prospect of embracing a new way of doing things (dare we say, a better way?) daunt you. If you’d like a chat about making your awards programme fly, then pop us a message, or book a 30 minute demonstration – we’d love to talk to you, and prove why it could be the best thing you ever did!


Happy judges, happy life!


Season’s greetings from us all; and an update on support over the festive period