Dazzling details for long, sunny(ish) days

The long, hot summer holidays are here… so, naturally, it’s pouring with rain in the UK. We might not be able to guarantee sunshine, but we can say with certainty that these cool AwardStage features will always brighten up your day.

Be your entrants’ flexible friend We’ve all been there – accidentally sent an email without the attachment, or pressed send on a message before it was finished. With AwardStage, your entrants can avoid that “D’oh!” moment with the ability to edit their entries, even after they’ve submitted them. That way, they can submit safe in the knowledge that they can tweak it if necessary, and you get to see the best your entrants have to offer – even if it takes them a couple of goes to get it just right.

Get the best out of your judges Sometimes you might want a simple score out of ten from your judges, but you might equally want to hear a bit more information to back up their opinions. You can ask your judges to leave general comments or scoring criteria comments – either way, it’s super simple for your judges to give valuable feedback.

Sharing is caring Remember how frustrating it was at school when you’d put loads of effort into a piece of work only for the teacher to take ages to mark it? With AwardStage, you don’t need to leave your entrants hanging – once your judges have left their scores and observations, you can choose to share them with your entrants if you wish. Not only will this provide your entrants with useful feedback, it will also help you on your way to gaining an Outstanding Awards Trust Mark – the gold standard for any awards provider.

Create a killer homepage Whether you’re a wannabe web designer or like to keep it simple, the possibilities are endless with the AwardStage integrated website builder. You can include as much information as you like, adding as many logos, images and whizzy web elements as you want. Using a simple drag-and-drop system, we provide you with a range of predefined templates to choose from. Or unleash your creativity and go your own way – we’ve got an impressive library of elements for you to choose from, to get just the look you’re after.

Easy peasy email Whether it’s a welcome email or a gentle reminder about a deadline, you’ll want to communicate with your entrants and judges. It couldn’t be simpler with AwardStage, with the functionality to email individuals or en masse directly from the platform. No more copying and pasting email addresses from one application to another and you can even add your own branding to maintain your unique corporate identity.

Got something in mind? Of course, we can’t list everything here, and the best way to get a feel for AwardStage is to book a short demonstration with one of the team. It’s a great opportunity to see the platform as an administrator, an entrant and a judge – and, of course, to ask all the questions you’re bound to have about running a successful awards programme online. We’d love to chat to you!


Here to help every step of the way – and we won’t hike up the price!


Blooming marvellous features to put a spring in your step