Banish the January blues, by celebrating success!

We all know January is the longest month of the year (well, here in the UK where it’s the depths of winter, anyway!) – it’s cold, it’s dark, and it’s approximately 378 days until payday. Here at AwardStage, we can’t promise to make the month go any more quickly, but we can offer you the perfect antidote to the gloom: launch an awards programme! 

Awards – in whatever form – are all about celebrating success. Whether you’re a first time entrant or a seasoned awards manager, the idea of winning an award – be it yourself, your team, or one of your industry peers – can’t help but make you smile. That’s the thing about awards: they make people feel good! 

Everyone loves to have their hard work acknowledged, and awards are the perfect way to pay tribute to that. Recognising excellence is a great way to highlight the achievements of individuals, teams and organisations – it boosts motivation, improves engagement and generally gives everyone that warm fuzzy feeling.

Running an awards programme doesn’t only give cause for celebration – it can give your brand a big boost too, by increasing your visibility and improving your credibility. Attract high profile judges and sponsors, generate compelling marketing content and drive engagement…build credibility and get your brand noticed at the same time, WIN!

Done well, they can inspire others, add value, and have an overwhelmingly positive impact on individuals and organisations; what’s not to love?

If you’re looking to celebrate success this year, why not drop us a line – we’d love to chat to you about how we can help.


SPOTLIGHT on…Chantal


‘Tis the season to be jolly!