Here to help every step of the way – and we won’t hike up the price!

Sometimes, when you’re trying out something new for the first time, you just want a little bit of guidance. A helping hand to steer you through the unknown, some reassurance that you’re doing it right, a friendly face/voice to call on when you get stuck – someone who won’t make you feel silly for asking lots of questions. That’s where we, Team AwardStage, come in!

We know that using new technology and embedding new systems can be stressful, so we’re here to hold your hand and make the whole process as seamless as possible. And, the best bit? We do that at no additional cost to you.

We pride ourselves on AwardStage being super simple and intuitive for all its users – entrants, judges, and administrators. Even so, we know the admins will have the longest to-do list, with forms to put together, categories to set up, judging rounds to create, to mention just a few.

It’s a LOT, at the best of times, and you don’t want a new, unfamiliar platform to add to your workload. And neither do we, which is why we won’t bump up the fees for helping you get things up and running. We believe that helping our clients get set up, and giving them the know-how they need to complete key tasks with confidence, is best for everyone involved. So we won’t add extra charges for comprehensive onboarding or an initial set-up service*.

Our range of pricing tiers has something for everyone, from first-timers to established, multi-awards bodies. Our Pro pricing tier is perfect for established and sophisticated awards programmes. It includes a comprehensive onboarding process and a dedicated account manager to make the whole process as smooth as possible – no wonder it’s our most popular!

Whichever tier you’re in, you can be confident that one of our experienced team will be on hand to help get you up and running like a shot. And yep, it’s all included in our fees.

So if you’re after a super simple, stress-free way to make your awards programme fly, drop us a line or book a 30-minute demonstration – we’d love to chat to you about how we can help!

*level of assistance correlates with the pricing tier your awards fall in to




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