Fabulous features to fall in love with

In case you hadn’t noticed what with the hearts and flowers everywhere you turn, it’s Valentine’s Day this month – and we’re shamelessly using it as the perfect excuse to talk about the fantastic features that make AwardStage so lovable.

Share the load
As an AwardStage account owner, you can assign several administrators to your site and control their level of access, so you can spread the workload among your team.

Speedy set up
Bringing your awards site to life needn’t take up too much of your time – in fact, it’s possible to be up and running in a matter of hours with our straightforward set-up process.

Scoring that suits you
Whether you want a simple score out of ten or you’ve got a more complex system with criteria and weightings, AwardStage can handle it – it will even work out the average score based on your criteria weights.

More than a number
Sometimes you might want more than just a score from your judges; if you’d like them to pass on their valuable feedback, you can ask them to leave general or criteria-specific comments. And, as an added bonus, you can share those scores and feedback with your entrants if you’d like to (top tip – this also puts you in the running for the highest level of Awards Trust Mark accreditation 😎).

Judging made easy
With AwardStage, it’s super simple to add hundreds of judges to your site in just a few clicks. And once they’re in, you can search for the ones you’re after, and even automatically assign entries to them too if you’d like.

That’s just a few of the fabulous AwardStage features that make awards managers’ hearts sing. For a full rundown of how we can help your awards programme run like a dream, get in touch with us and have a chat to one of our friendly team.


SPOTLIGHT on…Victoria


SPOTLIGHT on…Chantal